Friday, August 16, 2013

Want to Be Healthy? Take a Vacation!

Do you want to know how to sleep better, feel happier and lower your cholesterol?  Studies around the world are showing that you may want to take a vacation in order to boost your health.  Sounds like an excellent excuse to take off and visit Plantation Resort!  Here are some of the reasons vacation affects your health:

Become a more effective employee

If your boss doesn’t immediately buy the health benefits explanation, tell them how it can benefit their business.  According to this study, Vacation may help you be more effective at your job.  By breaking the stress cycle that tends to accompany the work sphere, you refresh your ability to think through goal oriented projects.  This reduces undeveloped decisions that an overstressed mind tends to make.

Reclaim a healthy sleeping cycle

Photo by Relaxingmusic.
During vacation you are much more likely to get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep each night. This article suggests that on vacation you can just turn off the alarm and sleep to your heart’s content.  With a few full nights of sleep you will feel better and more productive.

Take a moment to de-stress

Avoid checking email, ignore the phone and relax.  Of course sometimes vacations can be stressful where children are involved.  This article recommends taking 2 vacations a year and making one of those vacations child-free.  Call the grandparents or hire a babysitter and head off on your own vacation to decompress, relax and reboot.

Help your heart

Take a vacation and avoid a heart attack.  One study showed that women who only took one vacation every 6 years was 8 times more likely to have a heart attack or other heart problems than women who took vacation 2 times a year. The study also followed men who were at risk for heart disease and those who took more frequent vacations tended to live longer. 

If you want to get healthier, take some time off.  Plantation Resort has everything you need to have a healthy and happy vacation.  For an added boost to your heart health we also offer several options for exercise including bike rentals, exercise gym, swimming pools and aerobics classes.  For a reservation, call 1-800-845-5039 and move your health going in the right direction.

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